From basic to advanced level transformers have step-up and step-down transformers. Since generations, these two transformers became a crucial aspect in every industry. If you look at top step-up and step-down transformer suppliers in India, Esennar has a spot in top places. In any transformer, based on where it gets mounted, step-up and step-down are used.
Step-up increases the voltage while step-down decreases the voltage. Hence, mounting of a transformer plays a crucial role or else the transformer may get spoiled. Another aspect is step-up has a number of windings than step-down. The number of windings decides the transformer type and voltage it can handle.
AC transformers are applicable anywhere, but DC transformers are apt for industrial applications. Within the country, Esennar is one of the efficient step-up and step-down transformer suppliers from India. Its continuous sustainability in the lap of electrically powered machines reflects determination and commitment the company has.
Check our other post at Best Electrical Transformer manufacturers and suppliers